Framework of the Heart
A photo blog with accompanying commentary.
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Sunday, September 26, 2004

This was the last Sunday that I was to play the part of Proffessor Wonder for the Kindergarten/First Grade Sunday school class at EVFree. It's been kind of fun, really. But the best part is that I don't feel rushed on my way to church in the morning. I go early so I can rehearse the skit with my partner and I can stop to take a photo on the way if I so desire, and nobody is freakin' out because we might be 45 seconds late to church. There are lovely things to be seen and composed, even on the way to church.
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Saturday, September 18, 2004

I stopped at a friend's house today to drop off some photos and while I was there I noticed that the field of alphalfa by their house was just loaded with butterflies. Most of them were some form of dusty miller, but the varieties were amazing! At first all I noticed were white and yellow, then I saw some that were bright orangey-gold with more pattern on the wings. Then I noticed ones like this which appear white, but upon closer inspection, they are yellow-green and pink! I sat there for about a half-an-hour in the bright sun and hunted butterflies with my camera. You can't approach them. You just have to sit quietly and wait for them to forget you are there and wander close. It doesn't take long; Butterflies have very short-term memories.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Foggy Morning in Bridgewater

Usually, when people think of fall (okay, me too) they think about the trees turning color in October. But one of the really neat things about it is the morning fog. As the air gradually becomes cooler than the earth - the sun-warmed water, patchy fog adorns my trip to school each morning until I can hardly bear to pass by without stopping to capture the beauty of it all. Result: Late to devotions again. But in my heart, I have already done a sort of worshipful devotion. God, I love You and You are amazing!
Sunday, September 12, 2004

So little time these days, but I'm having some fun with my camera still. The sad thing is that my little carry-it-everywhere-with-you camera, my Nikon 4200, needed to go to the camera hospital and will probably be there for four to six weeks. I'm going to miss it. Meanwhile, my Nikon 5700 will see more action.