Wednesday, February 26, 2025

In August, Tim and I went camping in the UP, my favorite place. I never get my reservations in to the campgrounds early enough. The best time to camp near Lake Superior is in August, so that’s when most people go camping. The bugs have almost disappeared and Lake Superior is warm enough to swim in its crystal clean waters. But I have also found that, if you are willing to camp rustic style, many campgrounds do not take reservations. You just show up and take whatever is available. It requires skill, expertise, and timing, but you can snag a decent FF (first come first serve) campsite. (You should not waste you time trying to get into a non-rustic state campgrounds. They are FULL.) This August we stayed in a private RV park near the bridge on a Saturday night. Sunday we headed north up to Mouth of the Two-Hearted River Campground right on Lake Superior east of Muskellunge. If you get there around noon on a Sunday, people are leaving and you just may have your choice of a number of sites. Tim and I have a hybrid camper that runs on propane and two batteries and uses a fairly quiet generator that we can run mid-day. Until the black water fills up, we are fairly comfortable. This year I brought a black-light flashlight to hunt for Yooper-lights on the beach after dark, Yooperlights are stones with sodalite in them that glow like orange fire through the cracks when you shine UV light on them. I searched the beach with my flashlight, looking for rocks that looked like glowing coals. I found that a more powerful flashlight is helpful. The first night before heading back to the campsite, I looked up and noticed the faint pillars of pinkish light appearing in the northern skies over Lake Superior. I used my iPhone to take a photo, and that brought out the northern lights! So happy to get another show!


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