Friday, August 02, 2024

Hunting at night

Today I noticed some leaves had been chewed off my tomato plants. This indicates that a tobacco hornworm is getting nice and fat. I looked and I looked, but I couldn’t find the worm. My friend and gardening expert Barb told me that if I went out at night with a black-light flashlight and shined my plants that I could find the worms because they would glow. So tonight, I covered myself to ward off mosquitoes with long pants and sleeves and a hood and mosquito repellent on hands and face, and I went out to the garden with a black-light flashlight to hunt tobacco horn worms. The mosquitoes buzzed around me like little Fokker-tri planes, trying to get blood out of my nose and eyes. It took a while, but I did find that hornworm. Only one. I tossed it to the chickens, who didn’t care because they were asleep. 


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