This morning I went to take photos of a volunteer workday for the new school. People were sweeping, spreading concrete, putting up drywall, and just doing whatever they could do to advance the construction of the school. I get to walk around and take pictures of it all.
Afterwards, I talked to Amanda the principal, and she was telling me about some of the changes taking place in school this year. They are not changes I like. In addition the 11th grade didn't do as well on the writing portion of the MEAP as they "should have" so that makes me feel powerless. Maybe I should find another job. --So depressed - I begin to feel the weight of my job settling back on to my drooping shoulders.
Later another English teacher reasured me that the MEAPs should not be taken too seriously and explained how they change certain portions of it, but don't tell the teachers HOW it's being changed. Then, when the students don't do well, they don't compare your students to other students, but just compare them to some nebulous pre-determined bar. The teachers are informed that their students aren't up to par. She told me that this happens on a regular basis. "Just go to the seminar on the writing portion of the MEAP and give your students MEAP style tests, so they are prepared."
I'm still depressed.
Then I went out into the garden and picked broccoli, corn, and tomatoes. Cosmos swayed in the cool breeze. The sun passed its light through a golden sunflower. An orange dragonfly posed for my camera.
Such peace.
So little time.
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