Sunday, July 18, 2004

Sunday, All Day

When I woke up this morning, the first thing I thought of was "This is the last day of my diet.  Get through the day and tomorrow at this time, you can EAT!!!" 
Tim and the kids and I are all on the fat burning soup diet.  It's a seven day fierce effort to lose some weight before vacation, at which time I will gain it all back again. 
The first three days involve a lot of fruits and vegetables and THE FAT BURNING SOUP.   this is a concoction made of celery, green onions, green peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, and carrots in a Lipton chicken bullion base.
The soup is eaten everyday.  According to the instructions, it takes more energy to pass this stuff through your body than you get from the calories it contains, so in essence, the more you eat, the more weight you lose.  This would be great, except it tends to turn on you after two days.  Or as Sam put it this morning: I'd rather eat my own vomit.
Anyway, it's now 8:30 pm and I think I'm going to make it.  I have lost 7 or 8 pounds. 
Was it worth it?  Yeah.   Also, according to the plan, the diet also does a detox of caffeine and sugar addiction from your system.  If that were so, why is it the first thing I plan on eating tomorrow morning is the sweetest cereal I can find?


At Tue Oct 19, 08:29:00 AM 2004, Blogger HyperBob said...

Negative calories - lose weight while you eat!
What a promise divine - what a sugary treat.
Pudding and pies - beans and peas
Buy anything - just eat what you please

Salt and ice-cream - belly fat pork
There is no difference - between butter or Stork.
Now there is a promise - you just can't beat.
Negative calories - lose weight while you eat!

Triple quarter pounder -where does it stop
Eat what you like - if it's got lettuce on top
Blubber and skin - and fast frozen meat
Negative calories - lose weight while you eat!

The more you eat - the more weight you loose
Buy what you want - no need to choose
Mix yoghut and garlic - they'll go down a treat
Negative calories - lose weight while you eat!

Make your body - a fat burning machine!
Drink olive oil - it's exceptionally clean
Dress your salad - with hard skin from your feet
Negative calories - lose weight while you eat!

You don't need to fast - you don't need to pray
Just double your intake of food everyday.
No charts to offend - no weightwatchers to cheat
Negative calories - lose weight while you eat!

Flatten your stomach - get rid of the flab
Eat oysters and whelks - and fine Cromer crab
Just keep on eating - never admit to defeat
Negative calories - lose weight while you eat!

Just be amazed - watch the pounds disappear
For breakfast drink - a six pack of beer
Just don't mix protein - along with your wheat
Negative calories - lose weight while you eat!

Speed eat your food - and make your pulse race.
Use lots of energy - getting food to your face.
Your heart must pound - with a rhythmical beat
Negative calories - lose weight while you eat!"


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